September/October Update

In September a lot of members were away due to school holidays. But there was one working bee for a bit of a clean up and planting of new seedlings.

In October we had a bigger working bee where we thinned out some of the crop planted in August and also harvested the first batch of crop like radishes, spinach, salad and some early zucchini.

Some of the plants had already started to flower as well like the corriander and some of the mustard plants. These attract pollinators so we left them for the time being.

The big tree in the garden was supposed to be cut down months ago when we tried to save some of the warrigal greens from being trampled. But the tree is still standing and the warrigal greens are spreading  and providing a nice green ground cover.
They are also edible native plants that can be used like spinach and have a similar flavour.
Warringal greens are liking the climate
Some of the harvest: red globe and daikon radishes, zucchini, spinach, mustard leaf and eggplant.

October harvest


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