December Update and Christmas Social

We had one working be in December before everyone headed off into their holidays. We did some tidying up as well as spreading more compost and mulch on the garden beds to help with moisture retention.
Dave was torso deep in the big aerobin to shovel out the compost that was ready to be used and help collapse the layers on top to make room for more green waste. Big thanks for helping out with this!

Level 2 water restrictions took effect on 10th of December meaning we need to be extra vigilant with our water usage and use the watering cans going forward to water the garden beds.
Hopefully we can get some more pumpkins and the rock melons donated by Nathaniel to grow and help with covering the soil.

After the working be we enjoyed drinks and food at our Christmas celebration. Happy holidays everyone and thanks for all your work and contributions during 2019.



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