Upcoming 28th July - Compost workshop with Jon Kingston

We are very excited to announce our first guest speaker! Local garden expert and horticulturalist Jon Kingston will be at our working bee on the 28th July to offer valuable advice and training in a special composting workshop.

Jon Kingston describes himself as a 'free range urban horticulturalist'. Jon studied horticultural science (B.Hort Sci) at UWS Hawkesbury and has worked in garden design, bush regeneration, vegetable gardens, horticulture retail and production for 25 years.

During this time he has partaken in the design and delivery of over 10 community and/or edible garden projects, including the James Street Community Garden in Redfern, the Wayside Chapel rooftop garden, kitchen and cocktail gardens for numerous restaurants, a handful of new gardens for City West Housing and a range of private backyards and balconies. He is also a driving force behind the Inner City Seed Savers and was the teacher at the Seed Saver workshop a few of us attended.
Jon specialises in ecological design, organic food production systems, and bushland restoration.

We are very excited to be able to learn from Jon's valuable experience in urban gardening.

Please come and join, everyone is welcome!


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