Our monthly working bee saw our very first guest speaker and public workshop.
Jon Kingston gave us an introduction to worm farming and composting and did a hands-on session with our worm farms and compost bins to teach us how we can deal with the amount of green waste we are getting.
We will publish a new compost process soon!
Jon explaining the ADAM principle |
How to layer your bin and when to turn
Practical demonstrations |
The easiest way to turn the compost |
Definitely easier |
After the workshop a few of us stayed for another couple hours to disassemble the big aerobin which was falling apart and rebuilding it on level ground. This smelly and dirty job involved shoveling out the contents of the full bin, cleaning the parts of the bin and shoveling the contents back in.
The bulging, stinking areobin before the make-over |
The contents of the bin - a pile of smelly green waste |
Cleaning the parts of the bin |
On level ground and held together with straps |
Massive thanks to everyone who helped!!
The after workshop session also saw the last of the malabar spinach taken down and the ginger and tumeric moved to their new spring location in bed 3. We also harvested the second bigger cauliflower a few swedes and turnips.
A radish, a turnip and a swede meet in a garden bed |
Proudly cauliflower |
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